Wednesday 8 November 2023

ABSA Bank Ltd t/a Bankfin v Stander t/a CAW Paneelkloppers 1998 (1) SA 929 (C)

ABSA Bank Ltd t/a Bankfin v Stander t/a CAW Paneelkloppers 1998 (1) SA 929 (C)

Issue: Whether a bank that has been enriched by the payment of a debt that it was not entitled to recover can be held liable for unjust enrichment.


The defendant, Stander, was a customer of the plaintiff, ABSA Bank. Stander had entered into a credit agreement with the bank, and he was required to make monthly repayments on the loan.

One day, Stander made a payment to the bank that was larger than the amount that was due. The bank processed the payment and credited Stander's account with the extra amount.

A few months later, the bank realized that it had been overpaid. The bank asked Stander to repay the extra amount, but Stander refused.

The bank then sued Stander for unjust enrichment. The bank argued that it had been enriched by the payment of the extra amount, and that Stander was therefore liable to repay the money.

Held: The court held that the bank was not liable for unjust enrichment. The court reasoned that the bank had not been unjustly enriched because it had been entitled to receive the payment.

The court noted that Stander had made the payment voluntarily, and that he had not been under any mistake of fact or law. The court also noted that the bank had not been aware that it had been overpaid until several months later.


  • The court found that the payment was not made under a mistake of fact. The court reasoned that Stander had been aware of the amount of the payment that was due, and that he had made the payment voluntarily.
  • The court also found that the payment was not made under a mistake of law. The court reasoned that Stander was aware of the terms of his credit agreement, and that he had not been mistaken about the amount of the payment that was due.
  • The court also found that the bank had not been aware of the overpayment until several months later. The court reasoned that the bank had not been able to return the money to Stander as soon as it became aware of the overpayment.

Key Facts:

  • Stander made a payment to the bank that was larger than the amount that was due.
  • The bank processed the payment and credited Stander's account with the extra amount.
  • The bank realized that it had been overpaid, but Stander refused to repay the extra amount.
  • The bank sued Stander for unjust enrichment, but the court held that the bank was not liable.


The court's decision in ABSA Bank Ltd t/a Bankfin v Stander t/a CAW Paneelkloppers is a significant case in South African law. The court's decision clarified the law of unjust enrichment and made it clear that a bank is not liable for unjust enrichment if it has been overpaid but was not aware of the overpayment at the time.

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