Sunday 12 November 2023

Vogel v Crewe 2003 (4) SA 477 (T)

Vogel v Crewe 2003 (4) SA 477 (T)

Issue: Whether a landowner is liable for nuisance if their trees overhang the boundary line of their neighbor's property and cause damage to the neighbor's property.


Vogel owned a piece of land in Pretoria, South Africa. Crewe owned a neighboring piece of land. Vogel had a number of trees on his property that overhung the boundary line of Crewe's property. The overhanging branches caused damage to Crewe's roof and gutters.

Crewe brought an action against Vogel for damages and an interdict to compel Vogel to trim the overhanging branches. Vogel argued that he was not liable for nuisance because the overhanging branches were not causing any significant damage to Crewe's property.

Key Facts:

  • Vogel owned a piece of land in Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Crewe owned a neighboring piece of land.
  • Vogel had a number of trees on his property that overhung the boundary line of Crewe's property.
  • The overhanging branches caused damage to Crewe's roof and gutters.
  • Crewe brought an action against Vogel for damages and an interdict to compel Vogel to trim the overhanging branches.
  • Vogel argued that he was not liable for nuisance because the overhanging branches were not causing any significant damage to Crewe's property.

Court's Decision:

The Transvaal High Court (T) held that Vogel was liable for nuisance. The T reasoned that any encroachment over the boundary line of a neighbor's property, no matter how small, is a violation of the neighbor's property rights. The T also reasoned that it is important to uphold the principle of respect for property boundaries.

The T also held that the overhanging branches were causing a nuisance to Crewe. The T reasoned that the overhanging branches were causing damage to Crewe's property and that they were interfering with Crewe's enjoyment of his property.

The T ordered Vogel to trim the overhanging branches to the boundary line of his property.

Application of the Law to the Facts of the Case:

The T applied the law to the facts of the case and found that Vogel was liable for nuisance. The T ordered Vogel to trim the overhanging branches to the boundary line of his property.


The T's decision in Vogel v Crewe 2003 (4) SA 477 (T) is a significant case because it clarifies the law relating to the liability of landowners for nuisance caused by overhanging trees. The decision emphasizes that any encroachment over the boundary line of a neighbor's property, no matter how small, is a violation of the neighbor's property rights. The decision also emphasizes that the courts will take into account the extent of the damage caused by the overhanging trees and the interference with the neighbor's enjoyment of their property when determining whether or not nuisance has been established.

The decision also provides guidance to landowners on how to avoid liability for nuisance caused by overhanging trees. Landowners should trim their trees regularly to ensure that the branches do not overhang the boundary lines of their neighbors' properties. Landowners should also be aware of the rights of their neighbors and should communicate with their neighbors if they are concerned about a potential nuisance caused by their trees.

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