Monday 13 November 2023

Knysna Hotel CC v Coetzee NO 1998 (2) SA 743 (SCA)

Knysna Hotel CC v Coetzee NO 1998 (2) SA 743 (SCA)

Issue: Whether a seller can be held liable for the consequential damages suffered by a buyer as a result of a breach of contract, even if the damages were not foreseeable at the time of the contract was formed.


Knysna Hotel CC (Knysna Hotel) was a hotel. Coetzee NO was the trustee in the insolvent estate of a company that was indebted to Knysna Hotel.

Knysna Hotel and Coetzee NO entered into a contract in terms of which Knysna Hotel agreed to sell a property to Coetzee NO. The contract did not contain any clause that excluded the seller's liability for consequential damages.

Knysna Hotel breached the contract by failing to transfer the property to Coetzee NO. Coetzee NO suffered consequential damages as a result of the breach.

Coetzee NO sued Knysna Hotel for damages, alleging that Knysna Hotel was liable for the consequential damages that he had suffered. Knysna Hotel argued that it was not liable for the consequential damages because the damages were not foreseeable at the time of the contract was formed.

Key Facts:

  • Knysna Hotel was a hotel.
  • Coetzee NO was the trustee in the insolvent estate of a company that was indebted to Knysna Hotel.
  • Knysna Hotel and Coetzee NO entered into a contract in terms of which Knysna Hotel agreed to sell a property to Coetzee NO.
  • The contract did not contain any clause that excluded the seller's liability for consequential damages.
  • Knysna Hotel breached the contract by failing to transfer the property to Coetzee NO.
  • Coetzee NO suffered consequential damages as a result of the breach.
  • Coetzee NO sued Knysna Hotel for damages, alleging that Knysna Hotel was liable for the consequential damages that he had suffered.
  • Knysna Hotel argued that it was not liable for the consequential damages because the damages were not foreseeable at the time of the contract was formed.

Court's Decision:

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) held that Knysna Hotel was liable for the consequential damages suffered by Coetzee NO. The SCA reasoned that a seller is liable for the consequential damages suffered by a buyer as a result of a breach of contract, even if the damages were not foreseeable at the time of the contract was formed, if the damages were caused by a breach of the seller's fundamental obligation to deliver a product that is of merchantable quality.

The SCA also reasoned that it would be unfair to Coetzee NO if Knysna Hotel was not held liable for the consequential damages. The SCA found that Coetzee NO had relied on Knysna Hotel to deliver the property and that Knysna Hotel had breached its fundamental obligation to Coetzee NO.

Application of the Law to the Facts of the Case:

The SCA applied the law to the facts of the case and found that Knysna Hotel was liable for the consequential damages suffered by Coetzee NO. The SCA ordered Knysna Hotel to pay Coetzee NO the consequential damages that he had suffered.


The SCA's decision in Knysna Hotel CC v Coetzee NO 1998 (2) SA 743 (SCA) is a significant case because it clarifies the law relating to the liability of sellers for consequential damages. The decision emphasizes that a seller is liable for the consequential damages suffered by a buyer as a result of a breach of contract, even if the damages were not foreseeable at the time of the contract was formed, if the damages were caused by a breach of the seller's fundamental obligation to deliver a product that is of merchantable quality.

The decision also provides guidance to sellers and buyers on their rights and obligations. Sellers should be aware that they may be liable for consequential damages, even if the damages were not foreseeable at the time of the contract was formed. Buyers should be aware that they may be able to recover consequential damages from a seller if the seller breaches its fundamental obligation to deliver a product that is of merchantable quality.

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