Sunday 5 November 2023

Klep Valves (Pty) Ltd v Saunders Valve Co Ltd 1987 (2) SA 1 (A)

Klep Valves (Pty) Ltd v Saunders Valve Co Ltd 1987 (2) SA 1 (A)


Klep Valves (Pty) Ltd (Klep Valves) was a South African company that manufactured valves. Saunders Valve Co Ltd (Saunders Valve) was a British company that also manufactured valves. Klep Valves made copies of Saunders Valve's drawings and used them to manufacture its own valves. Saunders Valve sued Klep Valves for copyright infringement.


The main issue in the case was whether Klep Valves had infringed Saunders Valve's copyright in its drawings.


The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) held that Klep Valves had infringed Saunders Valve's copyright in its drawings. The court reasoned that the drawings were original works and that they were protected by copyright.

The court explained that copyright protects original works, such as literary works, artistic works, and musical works. The court found that the drawings were original works because they were the product of Saunders Valve's own skill and labor.

The court also found that Klep Valves had infringed Saunders Valve's copyright by copying the drawings. The court reasoned that there was no evidence that Klep Valves had created the drawings independently of Saunders Valve's drawings.


The SCA allowed Saunders Valve's appeal and ordered Klep Valves to pay damages for copyright infringement.


The case of Klep Valves (Pty) Ltd v Saunders Valve Co Ltd (1987 (2) SA 1 (A)) is a landmark case in South African copyright law. The case is particularly important for its analysis of the concept of originality in copyright law.

The SCA's decision that the drawings were original works protected by copyright is significant. The decision means that copyright protects even simple works, such as engineering drawings, as long as they are original.

The decision in Klep Valves (Pty) Ltd v Saunders Valve Co Ltd has had a lasting impact on the law of copyright in South Africa. The decision is cited in subsequent cases, and it is likely to be cited in many more cases in the future.

Additional Considerations

The decision in Klep Valves (Pty) Ltd v Saunders Valve Co Ltd also raises a number of other considerations, such as:

  • The impact of the case on innovation: The decision may have a positive impact on innovation. Businesses will be more likely to invest in research and development if they know that their copyright in their creations will be protected.
  • The impact of the case on competition: The decision may have a negative impact on competition. Businesses that compete to sell products that are protected by copyright may have difficulty competing if they cannot copy the copyright-protected products of their competitors.
  • The impact of the case on consumers: The decision may have a negative impact on consumers. Consumers may have less choice of products if businesses are less likely to create new products due to the risk of copyright infringement.

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