Sunday 12 November 2023

Free State Agriculture & Ecotourism v Mthembu & Mahomed 2002 (5) SA 343 (O)

Free State Agriculture & Ecotourism v Mthembu & Mahomed 2002 (5) SA 343 (O)

Issue: Whether a landowner can be held liable for nuisance caused by the actions of a third party on their land.


Free State Agriculture & Ecotourism (FS Agri) owned a piece of land in the Free State province of South Africa. Mthembu and Mahomed owned a neighboring piece of land. FS Agri leased its land to a tenant who used the land for farming purposes. The tenant's farming activities caused dust and noise pollution, which interfered with Mthembu and Mahomed's enjoyment of their property.

Mthembu and Mahomed brought an action against FS Agri for nuisance, claiming that FS Agri was liable for the nuisance caused by its tenant's farming activities. FS Agri argued that it was not liable for the nuisance because it had no control over the tenant's farming activities.

Key Facts:

  • FS Agri owned a piece of land in the Free State province of South Africa.
  • Mthembu and Mahomed owned a neighboring piece of land.
  • FS Agri leased its land to a tenant who used the land for farming purposes.
  • The tenant's farming activities caused dust and noise pollution, which interfered with Mthembu and Mahomed's enjoyment of their property.
  • Mthembu and Mahomed brought an action against FS Agri for nuisance, claiming that FS Agri was liable for the nuisance caused by its tenant's farming activities.
  • FS Agri argued that it was not liable for the nuisance because it had no control over the tenant's farming activities.

Court's Decision:

The Orange Free State Provincial Division (O) held that FS Agri was liable for nuisance. The O reasoned that a landowner can be held liable for nuisance caused by the actions of a third party on their land, even if the landowner does not have control over the third party's actions.

The O also reasoned that the tenant's farming activities were a nuisance to Mthembu and Mahomed. The O found that the dust and noise pollution caused by the farming activities was unreasonable and that it interfered with Mthembu and Mahomed's enjoyment of their property.

Application of the Law to the Facts of the Case:

The O applied the law to the facts of the case and found that FS Agri was liable for nuisance. The O ordered FS Agri to take steps to reduce the dust and noise pollution caused by the tenant's farming activities.


The O's decision in Free State Agriculture & Ecotourism v Mthembu & Mahomed 2002 (5) SA 343 (O) is a significant case because it clarifies the law relating to the liability of landowners for nuisance caused by third parties on their land. The decision emphasizes that a landowner can be held liable for nuisance, even if the landowner does not have control over the third party's actions.

The decision also provides guidance to landowners on how to avoid liability for nuisance. Landowners should take steps to prevent nuisance from occurring on their land, even if this means taking steps to control the actions of third parties on their land.

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