Saturday 11 November 2023

Ex parte Estate Borland 1961 (1) SA 6 (SR)

Ex parte Estate Borland 1961 (1) SA 6 (SR)

Issue: Whether the principle of unjust enrichment can be used to create new enrichment actions in South African law.


Borland, a person, died and left a will in which he bequeathed his estate to his wife, Borland's Estate. Borland's Estate was the executor of Borland's will.

Borland's Estate discovered that Borland had been making payments to a third party, Mr. Smith, for a number of years. Borland's Estate was unsure whether the payments were valid debts or whether they had been made by Borland under a mistake of fact.

Borland's Estate applied to the Court for an order declaring that the payments made by Borland to Mr. Smith were invalid and that Mr. Smith was liable to repay the payments to Borland's Estate.


The Court granted Borland's Estate the order it sought. The Court held that the principle of unjust enrichment could be used to create new enrichment actions in South African law. The Court reasoned that the principle of unjust enrichment is a broad principle that is not limited to the specific enrichment actions that are recognized by Roman-Dutch law.

Key Facts:

  • A person died and left a will in which he bequeathed his estate to his wife.
  • The executor of the will discovered that the person had been making payments to a third party for a number of years.
  • The executor of the will was unsure whether the payments were valid debts or whether they had been made by the person under a mistake of fact.
  • The executor of the will applied to the Court for an order declaring that the payments made by the person to the third party were invalid and that the third party was liable to repay the payments to the executor of the will.


  • The Court held that the principle of unjust enrichment could be used to create new enrichment actions in South African law.
  • The Court reasoned that the principle of unjust enrichment is a broad principle that is not limited to the specific enrichment actions that are recognized by Roman-Dutch law.


The Court's decision in Ex parte Estate Borland 1961 (1) SA 6 (SR) is a significant case in South African law. The Court's decision clarified the law relating to the principle of unjust enrichment and the availability of enrichment actions in South African law.

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